Little Gay Boy (2013)? Big gay man? Medium sized gay dude? Mr. Man loves em all! He also loves this absurdly daring 2013 French flick from actor turned director Antony Hickling. It's the story of a young man alone in a world of sin, trying to find connection with others on a long road to reconciling with his estranged father. Sound familiar? It should. It's basically The New Testament with nudity. Written to mimic the story of Jesus Christ, the movie follows Jean-Christophe AKA J.C. (Gaëtann Vettier) from birth to young adulthood on his quest to understand his identity and find fulfillment through his sexuality. The son of a prostitute (Amanda Dawson) and an absent father, J.C. dreams of being a model but keeps finding himself in degrading situations where men want to do disgusting stuff to him. And not the fun kind of disgusting! He'll question his mission nearly constantly as the plot takes almost a blasphemous approach, even ending with a "Last Supper" segment to really drive home the point of the parallel lives of J.C. and Jesus. Director Antony Hickling, who just might need Jesus, masterfully crafts this sexual and sacrilegious story, complete with one hot and bothered cast. Biño Sauitzvy spends some time baring his butt and balls as he's doused in red paint while some creepy rich people in tuxedos look on. Manuel Blanc strips down for a sex scene where him and Gaëtann do all sorts of awesome gay stuff together. Nothing beats main character Vettier's nude scenes, though, especially when he's collared and spanked, or when he's lying in the woods totally naked and a hot blue man starts making out with him. Is this a Blue Man Group kink we never knew about? The only dudity we didn't love was the time Stephen Shagov whips out his cock and pees all over Vettier's face. Still, with sex, sin, and plenty of religious parallels, it's one unholy matrimony of awesome. If you've ever wanted to see The New Testament play out with a dude whose testicles you'd want rubbed on your face, Little Gay Boy will have your gay little man growing huge!