Just to set up this tragic true story, you first need to know what a Mope is in the porn industry... A "Mope" is considered the lowest-level type of performer in the smut business. Someone who basically hangs around the porn sets, cleans up after the pornstars and directors just on the off chance that they might end up being discovered and become a massive adult entertainment actor. If you've never heard of Steve Driver, then you probably missed one of the more tragic people who ever stepped foot onto an adult entertainment set, a true Mope, as told by the people who knew him and survived him. Steve started his career working for a b-list porn company, trying to follow his dreams of becoming a "cocksman", but his bizarre behavior, regular confrontations with fellow co-workers, and bad personal hygiene made him a big red flag of a performer for the ladies and directors of the industry. That is until he meets Tom Dong, a fellow mope of a performer, who vouches for his buddy and regularly gets him on set for all the fetish style shoots no one wants to do... All the pee-pee, ball-stomping, and cuckold fetish stuff that fall down to the performers like Steve and Tom. When Steve's behavior becomes downright dangerous and he is thrown off set, he snaps in the most heinous way imaginable. It is a dark chapter of history within an industry that already has a dark past at times, so definitely check this one out for a peek behind the "green door" of the adult entertainment industry's dark side. Normally comedic actor Brian Huskey takes on a somewhat more serious role as the pervy director of the fetish flicks, and Kelly Sry and Nathan Stewart-Jarrett step up as the low tier porn performers. Also, there is no shortage of other guys playing low-rent pornstars in various states of undress throughout this one!