In the television comedy Sherman Oaks (1995), a young filmmaker moves in with California-based plastic surgeon Dr. Sanford Baker (Nick Toth) to document he and his dysfunctional family. The family tree is made up of an eclectic mix of the doctor’s New Age wife Beverly (Phyllis Katz), slutty daughter Tiffany (Heather-Elizabeth Parkhurst), goofy son Tyler (Jason Behr) who thinks he’s black, and the doc’s other son Kenny (Kristoffer Ryan Winters), a NRA card carrying Republican. The crazy cadre of frantic family members provides many moments of hilarity. The laughs may be in abundance, but the nudity is sparse. Jason Behr bares his hairless hind in a quick swimming pool scene. The young actor has an appealing body that will have you wearing out your rewind button on your remote control.