The BBC boob tube drama The Crimson Field (2014) follows the lives of medics and their patients at a fictional field hospital located in France during the First World War. When three young nurses—Kitty (Oona Chaplin), Flora (Alice St. Clair) and Rosalie (Marianne Oldham)—arrive at a hospital camp near the front lines of battle, they are thrown into a very different world that they’ve grown accustomed to. Besides the pretty and enthusiastic nurses, there’s a group of clichéd baddies to make a grim situation worse for the ladies. There’s overall meanie Sister Margaret Quayle (Kerry Fox), the unsympathetic Colonel Purbright (Adam James), who forces the shell-shocked Lance Corporal Prentiss (Karl Davies) to head back to the front line of battle, despite the best efforts of the kind-hearted surgeon Lt Col Roland Brett (Kevin Doyle). The Crimson Field turns into the fleshy field when Paul Hilton and Kerr Logan bare their behinds, while Billy Cook brings the pubes and side butt during a bath. Mr. Man would love to blow these G.I. Joes!