The comedy/drama/musical The Five Senses (1999) tells a series of interconnected stories that examine situations involving the five senses, metaphorically told through five people and their interactions with one another. There’s touch, represented by Ruth (Gabrielle Rose), a message therapist; there’s sight, represented by Rupert (Brendan Fletcher), a voyeur who obsesses over people watching; there’s scent, represented by Robert (Daniel MacIvor), a professional house cleaner with an incredibly keen sense of smell; there’s taste, represented by Rona (Mary-Louise Parker), a baker who oddly has no sense of taste; and there’s sound, represented by Roberto (Marco Leonardi). All these interesting individuals come together to help one another, but we get the most help from Marco Leonardi when he bares his beautiful butt cheeks when he dismounts from his lady friend in bed. Leonardi ass will blow more than just your five senses!