American Rust (2021) is a family drama from creator Dan Futterman about a family that explores the American dream and everything that is promised and unattainable about that very idea. A police chief named Del Harris played by Jeff Daniels is thrown into a delicate situation in the small Pennsylvania Rust Belt town that he lives and works in. He is in love with a woman whose son suddenly gets accused of murder. Now he has to weigh his options: protect the woman he loves and her son or pursue justice. He has to ask some very difficult questions and figure out if this kid did indeed do it and what he should do about his findings. That is a whole lot of drama, but we are here for the men. Bring on the sexy men! We have them here for you, just a second. Alex Neustaedter goes shirtless as he sits naked in the bathtub doing his thinking. That's making us think dirty thoughts! Mark Pellegrino is finer than a refreshing bottle of San Pellegrino when he is ambushed by a woman that is very angry that he is being a lazy guy sleeping in all day. She comes in and yells at him while he is shirtless and only in his underwear. She asks him to do something for once - we agree! Take off your undies! He doesn't do that, but he does treat us to his bulge when he runs after her. American Rust will make you bust.