Based on the titular book by Peter Straub, Ghost Story (1981) isn't so much about a ghost as it about a zombie. Or a ghost zombie. Or a zombie ghost. We're not really sure what she is, but it's not good, we can tell you that much. The story begins with four ederly gentleman who have started their own club, as elderly gentleman like to do. For some odd reason, these little pow wows all involve ghost stories, which seems to royally bite them in the asses when they're faced with their own horror story. One of the dudes, Edward, has twins sons, David and Don (both played by Craig Wasson). When David falls to his death from a high rise after the woman he's sleeping with turns into a rotting corpse before his very eyes (gross), Don is like, woah bro, something is up with this chick—probably because he dated her before Don did and sensed her undead chill before anything traumatic (such as falling off a building) happened. At the funeral, Edward is also visited by the SheCorpse, and he falls off a bridge and dies too. When yet another member of the Ghost Club dies, the surviving members tell Don his ex is actually the ghost of a woman named Eva, who they all wanted to bang and instead accidentally drowned. She's back for revenge—can we blame her?
We won't tell you if Eva succeeds in picking them all off one by one, but we can tell you that we see Craig Wasson's cock swing in the NYC breeze as he falls from his highrise apartment. It's a truly spectacular view.