Girls' Trip creator Tracy Oliver is back with her latest tale of friendship amongst a group of strong African American women, the Amazon Prime Original Series Harlem, which debuted on the streaming service in early December 2021. The show's main quartet is comprised of college friends who have now blossomed into adult friends all trying to make it work in the titular Manhattan neighborhood. Camille (Meagan Good) is a career driven adjunct professor at Columbia University, Quinn (Grace Byers) runs a fashion boutique that stays afloat with constant loans from her wealthy parents, Angie (Shoniquia Shandai) was a singer and a hot commodity until her record label dropped her... five years ago, and and Tye (Jerrie Johnson) is a wealthy entrepreneur and creator of a popular app for “queer people of color.” All of the ladies are living single and are, indeed, looking for sex in the city, and their banter and witty repartee is the foundation of the show's charm. As for the hot guys populating the first season, we've got muscular breakout star Robert Ri'chard, who puts his money where his maker is and shows off his bare ass, balls, and even his butthole while giving one of our leading ladies the time of her life on stage! Throw in a nearly nude Ashlee Brian trying to get his ass eaten, hunky older stripper Martin Samuel, and shirtless scenes from both Tyler Lepley and Halston's Sullivan Jones, and you've got us wanting to commute all the way to Harlem just to live the fabulous life with these ladies!