Somebody Somewhere (2021) stars the fantastic Bridget Everett who is best known as a performance artist in New York City and has now become a serious, tender actress. She stars as a grown woman who is named Sam. She originally comes from a small town in Kansas, but she moved away for a long time. She moved back home in order to take care of her sick sister a year ago which was the focus of her life for roughly six months. Her sister ended up passing away and Sam has not been able to figure out what to do with her life since then. She has not left her small Kansas town and she struggles to figure out whether or not she should stay or go - and what she should do with either possibility! She never felt like she fit in in her hometown anyway, but when she meets a new friend everything changes. Her buddy connects with her and helps her find her place in her hometown in this very heartwarming HBO drama that proves that she can be a somebody somewhere! Speaking of somebodies, Drew Shirley proves that he is a somebody with some booty. He is Winnie the Pooh-ing it by wearing a red T-shirt and nothing else. He is bopping around in the kitchen, turning around to check out his appliances and showing off his seat meat in the process. Check out this tall drink of water's thirst-quencing tush. That booty is a reason to stay in town!