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In Memorium

In Memorium (2005)

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In Memorium (2005) is a horror film directed by Amanda Gusack and starring Erik McDowell, Johanna Watts, and Levi Powell. The film follows the story of a man named Dennis who is diagnosed with terminal cancer. Dennis moves in with his girlfriend and installs surveillance cameras throughout the home to record his last months on Earth to make a documentary. However, the cameras begin to capture a supernatural presence instead. Another supernatural presence in the film is Erik’s magical, muscular chest. Erik appears shirtless while getting ready for bed in several scenes, and let’s just say he looks pretty damn good for a man with only a few months to live. If he needs any nursing back to health, we’d love to help. Is the film called In Memorium because we will always remember the sight of Erik McDowell’s sexy, shirtless chest?