Solstice (2008) is a horror film co-written and directed by Daniel Myrick, one of the co-creators of the legendary found footage horror flick The Blair Witch Project (1999). The film centers around Megan (Elisabeth Harnois), a teenager who is in a state of mourning following the suicide of her twin sister Sophie, though she has become convinced that Sophie's death wasn't self inflicted. In hopes of getting her mind off such things, her boyfriend Christian (Shawn Ashmore) and a group of their friends decide to take her to a lake house in the Louisiana wilderness for a weekend of drunken revelry. Of course, Megan is not so easily distracted and goes for a run in the woods one day, stumbling on a local man named Leonard (R. Lee Ermey) who is in possession of her sister's lucky hat. Megan also meets Nick (Tyler Hoechlin), a man who works at the local gas station and has an interest in voodoo and black magic, informing her that with the coming solstice, their world and the "next world" will be at their closest point. If we're being completely honest here, there's not much separating this flick from your average "horny teens at a cabin in the woods" flick. There's also no nudity to speak of in the flick, though we do get a sexy scene where Tyler Hoechlin, Shawn Ashmore, and Matt O'Leary all shuck their shirts to participate in a ritual of some sort just past the 52 minute mark! It's a shame this ritual didn't require them to also remove their pants!