KEVIN CAN F**CK HIMSELF (2021) is a twisted comedy with a cool, high concept. Starring Annie Murphy of Schitt's Creek fame as a beleaguered housewife who hates her husband and his family, the show takes a look at the life of the sitcom wife. When Annie is at home she is Allison McRoberts and we see her home life as if it is an actual sitcom complete with a laugh track and a three-camera set-up. Her husband is played by Eric Petersen who provides all of the classic, misogynist wisecracks that have become a sitcom staple. When Annie is not at home, her life is more "normal"...or at least darker than a sitcom. She ruminates on how much she hates having to show up and be the perfect wife and she starts to rebel against the notion that she has to be the perfect wife to a slob who makes her the butt of all of his jokes. Now that she has been radicalized, we see changes in her as she plots to make her husband's life a living hell while also gaining some independence for herself. This includes, by the way, having an affair! Raymond Lee plays Sam Park, her secret lover that she has sneaky sex with when she isn't around her hubby. Ray looks as sexy as sin when we get to check him out shirtless after the two have just presumably banged in that little closet. Kevin can f**k himself, but you will want to f**k Raymond Lee!