In Maximum Breakout (1991), a vacationing couple, Travis and Bobbi (Bobby Johnston and Sydney Coale Phillips), take a drive on a deserted road. Their country cruising comes to an abrupt end when they encounter two strangers that beat down Travis and abduct Bobbi. Six months later, the search for Bobbi comes up empty, leading everyone, including the police, to give up on the hunt. Travis, encouraged by a close friend Debbie (Carrie Murray), teams up with her brother Reb (Eddie Hopper) and friends to continue searching for his lost love. In a bizarre twist, the makeshift search party discover the kidnapped cutie at an isolated ranch where blue-eyed babes are forced to bear children to sell to well-paying parents. Travis must figure a way to save Bobbi and the rest of the blue-eyed breeders. In a brief love scene, Bobby Johnston, an ex-Playgirl model, entices us with an appetizing view of his ample ass that will give you maximum pleasure.