Presented as a four-episode mini-series, Neil Gaiman’s Likely Stories (2016) takes four short stories from famed American Gods writer Neil Gaiman and adapts them into a supernatural anthology show. Often compared to Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone, critics loved this one, but felt that airing on Shudder really killed its chance at becoming a cultural sensation the way those other anthologies did. From a celibate dude (George MacKay) who wakes up with some kind of nasty STD and a whole lot of questions about how that possibly happened, to a pregnant waitress (Montserrat Lombard) stuck working the graveyard shift who intently listens to a customer's (Tom Hughes) wild tale of meeting an old and frail woman (Rita Tushingham) hiding a very supernatural secret, the scares were aplenty in this spooky show. But will it scare your pants off? Along the way George MacKay shows off some skin that will give you a mini-series of throbs in your pants. We get a look at George’s tight ass when he has to drop his pants while a nurse checks out his junk. You know she liked it! In a later scene his alarm goes off and he gets out of bed wearing just his underwear. We get a quick look at his bulge and a longer look at his ass as he stands up and heads into the bathroom. This man was celibate for three years? Mr. Man will do his best to suspend his belief, because seeing his lean body it's absurd to think he couldn't find anyone to give him some sexual relief. If you're a gay man, it's highly likely you'll enjoy those scenes in Neil Gaiman's Likely Stories.