Notorious is an American crime series from ABC. The series premiered in September of 2016 and stars Piper Perabo and Daniel Sunjata. Notorious was created by Josh Berman and Allie Hagan and follows a defense attorney and a TV producer who work together to influence the media during a high profile case. The series is based on real life criminal defense attorney Mark Geragos and Larry King Live news producer Wendy Walker. Notorious is notoriously sexy and we get some great bits of sexy bods in the second episode entitled “The Perp Walk.” First, the titillating Tyler Johnson shows off his bodacious bulge when he gets stripped down while playing strip poker. Tyler’s giving us a royal flush… in our pants! Then, the rugged Ryan Guzman gets a blanket pulled off of him while sleeping in the office, showing off this great chest while wearing only some bitty boxer briefs! If only the scene wasn’t so brief! Ry-guy strips down again for the fourth episode, “Tell Me a Secret,” when he rips off his shirt for a sensual sex sesh. Ryan loses his shirt again in the fifth episode while rolling around in the sheets again with a lucky lady. The juicy Josh Plasse gets naked in the eighth episode when he strips down to just his undies to bang a babe! Josh gets extra sexy later in this episode when he jumps in for a little threeway action with the captivating Chris Brochu. The alluring Adam Rayner strips down to get it on with a gorgeous girl in the ninth episode before getting interrupted. We can’t wait to see more from the notoriously sexy men of Notorious!