In a post-apocalyptic world, Revolution follows the Matheson family as they struggle to survive fifteen years after a mysterious global blackout. When the lights go out, everyone goes weird, and this is when the action kicks in. The determined and sexy Charlie Matheson (Tracy Spiridakos) must seek the help of her estranged uncle Miles (Billy Burke), a former Marine living a reclusive life, after her brother Danny (Graham Rogers) is kidnapped by a ruthless militia leader Major Tom Neville (Giancarlo Esposito). Charlie and Miles team up with a rogue band of survivors to rescue the nabbed brother, overthrow the Monroe Republic and reestablish the United States. Through all the drama, the survivors struggle to solve the mystery of the power failure catastrophe.
As a viewer you’ll struggle to find some satisfying scenes of flesh. So far, David Lyons flaunted his fine physique doing some good ol’ fashioned hand-to-hand combat with a mountain of a man in the interestingly titled episode “Happy Endings”. Happy endings, indeed!