The emotional drama Service (2008) aka Serbis is set in the Philippines and follows the Pineda family, the owners of a dilapidated theater that specializes in porn. Running the show is the 58-year-old matriarch, Nanay Flor (Gina Pareño), who can often be seen in the ticket booth, trading shifts with her daughter Nayda (Jaclyn Jose), son-in-law Lando (Julio Diaz), and the family's adopted daughter Jewel (Roxanne Jordan). The men behind the projector are Nanay’s nephews, Alan and Ronald (Coco Martin and Kristoffer King), but most people at the theater are looking to hook up or score drugs, not watch the movie. When Nanay's not keeping the theater from crumbling, she's entangled in a two-year emotional and legal struggle with her estranged husband, who stands accused of committing bigamy. Her big day in court has finally arrived, but before she can take off to the courthouse, she has to get the theater in order, which won’t be an easy task, considering the usual crowd of homosexuals, fetid fornicators, and other fringe members of society have made their daily pilgrimage to the massive theater to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh. In a movie where sex is in constant demand, there are two scenes that really rise above the rest. Well worth the trip to the sticky floored cinema are when the establishment’s film feeders: Coco Martin and Kristoffer King both amp up the flick with their own raunchy hook-ups, giving us a look at the rods and rumps in scenes of sexual intercourse. Coco shows the cock, as well as the ass, when he's hitting it in the backroom with some lucky lady. Pay no attention to that nasty boil he has on his tight bum. He bandages the booty and it's all good! If you weren't in love with the Coco, get a load of Kristoffer King's royal rod when he has a girl slobbing all over his knob right in the projection room. She's grabbing his ass and deepthroating his dong, which is way hotter than whatever's happening on the big screen. Mr. Man would like to take a turn Service-ing one of those two fellas!