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Star Trek (2009)

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J.J. Abrams' eagerly anticipated sci-fi epic Star Trek (2009) set itself in an alternate version of the 1960s cult classic TV series, so that Trekkies didn't rake him over the coals every time he deviated from Gene Roddenberry's established lore. But he did make sure to cast a Captain Kirk so hot you'll be tugging your rod and fondling your berries! Set a course for 2255, where James Tiberius Kirk (Chris Pine) is a down and out loser who grew up without a dad but hears all the stories about what a legend George Kirk (Chris Hemsworth) was during his time in The Federation. After meeting Captain Christopher Pike (Bruce Greenwood) while recovering from a bar brawl, he joins the Starfleet Academy and meets the highly logical half-human Vulcan Spock (Zachary Quinto), the boner inducing doctor Bones McCoy (Karl Urban), and the gorgeous Nyota Uhura (Zoe Saldana). Together, they'll take the Kobayashi Maru, climb aboard the Enterprise, and set off onto some legendary adventures in what will become a three-picture franchise. We need Scotty (Simon Pegg) to beam off the crew’s clothes, because the Final Frontier has the handsome fellows fully clothed for almost the entire movie. Still, the film's prime erective comes when Chris Pine gives us a brief look at his out-of-this-world physique while getting sexy with a green gal. He's in a tight pair of skivvies climbing on top of her, and oh boy are we green with envy! Set your buzzing phaser to fun time because it's going where many men have gone before! The guys of Star Trek will have you creating some science friction with yourself!