There isn't much in this world that is scarier for a small farmer than an oil company coming after your land, even if they are trying to make you an offer to sell. The only thing scarier for the salt of the earth and wildly stubborn farmer named Fred Stern (David Strathairn) when the oil company comes knocking, is who is doing the knocking for them because The Devil Has a Name and that name is Gigi (Kate Bosworth)! She is also a certifiably psychotic monster! Screw your land, your livestock, your lively hood, and mother nature... Gigi is coming to buy up every ounce of dinosaur juice under your crops and she's going to do it for the lowest possible price! What is the saying about an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object??? Well whatever it is, her evil natured way of going about "business as usual" might be turned upside down by this stubborn farmer as he's about as immovable as they come; you see he has figured out a way to turn his little argument with her into a precedented legal dispute that could very well screw over the powers that be in big oil more than anyone ever anticipated! This cast of characters is going to give you emotional whiplash in this dark comedy, but its Academy Award Nominee David Strathairn's bubble butt that is the lone slice of nudity for the boys in this one. It's enough to prime your "pump jack" and get your crude oil flowing below your belt line!