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Breaking and Entering

Breaking and Entering (2006)

Brief Nudity

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The romantic drama Breaking and Entering (2007) follows Will Francis (Jude Law), a London-based landscape architect living with his girlfriend Liv (Robin Wright Penn) and her autistic daughter, who’s anti-social behaviors strains the couple’s relationship. Will’s downtown office is repeatedly being burgled by a group of troublesome thieves, leading Will to stake out his place of business. After following a young thief (Rafi Gavron) back to his home where he lives with his mother Amira (Juliette Binoche), the anxious architect, shocked by the family’s meager home, decides not to report his findings to the police. In an odd twist, Will becomes emotionally involved with Amira, further complicating his life. Jude opens up an e-mail that contains steamy photos from a secret, impromptu photo shoot, showing the cheating chap breaking and entering Juliette. The breathtaking Brit doesn’t bare his London Tower or Tate Modern, but he shows enough skin to feed your need.