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Friday the 13th Part 2

Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)

No Nudity

Top Scene


Jason Voorhees finally takes his place as the main murderous maniac of this franchise in Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981), a sequel released a mere 11 months after the Friday the 13th (1980). The sequel opens soon after Jason's mother Pamela Voorhees' rampage, killing off the first film's sole survivor—Adrienne King's Alice—before jumping ahead in time five years and back to Camp Crystal Lake. It has now been repurposed as a camp for training wannabe camp counselors—this is how they cleverly got around having pre-teen kids in the film—with each of the eight counselors in attendance representing a different archetype. You've got head counselor Paul (John Furey), pretty boy Jeff (Bill Randolph), bad boy Scott (Russell Todd), prankster Ted (Stu Charno), and wheelchair-bound Mark (Tom McBride), who gets one of the franchise's best deaths! Now this film is prior to Jason getting his hockey mask, which would come in the following year's Part 3, but he is sporting a potato sack with one eyehole in this one. Pretty sharp! Naturally, this franchise absolutely does not care about any nudity that isn't bare breasts. It's never been a great place to catch vintage Playgirl looking male nudity, but it is a good place to catch some early 80s guys ditching their shirts! Blonde boy Bill Randolph pops his top off to make out with his girlfriend, while the pasty Stu Charno and the surprisingly buff Tom McBride chat beside the lake with some ladies in attendance. It's not the worst of these movies by a long shot, but it's one of the worst in terms of seeing shirtless hunks!