Imposters (2017) is a series following Maddie (Inbar Lavi), a con-artist who shifts persona and leaves her unwitting victims tormented while robbing them of everything. Things get complicated when her former targets team up to track her down. While pursuing her newest mark, Maddie meets a potential love interest, Patrick, who threatens to derail her entire assignment. Will she be able to pursue a relationship, finish her job, and take down her former lovers who are hell-bent on taking her down? We get a heap of sexy shirtless action in this series from Parker Young, Rob Heaps, and Stephen Bishop. We love watching the perfect Parker Young do pushups shirtless in the pilot episode, but our favorite nude moment comes from the sexy Stephen Bishop. Stephen shows off his sexy, sculpted bod in just a towel before he is surprised by a brunette babe. Then this captivating couple proceeds to have wild sex in the bathroom! The men of Imposters are the real thing!