Based on the popular comic book series, Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014) kicked off a franchise many think brought the fun back to the British spy genre after the Bond flicks got too gritty. Directed by Matthew Vaughn, Taron Egerton stars as Eggsy, a British street punk who grew up without a dad. He doesn't have much in life, but he does have a medal with an emergency number on it that his dad's friend Harry (Colin Firth) gave him when he was little. Desperate and in trouble with the law, one day Eggsy calls the number only for Harry to show up, beat up some punks, and explain that Eggsy's dad was a member of Kingsman: a private group of spies created after World War One when a bunch of rich people were pissed their kids had died in the war. Classy and clean cut, Kingsman operates out of a tailor's shop on Savile Row, which is pretty far from the skid row where Eggsy's been raised. Harry recruits Eggsy to join, and after some serious trials and tribulations dealing with the other, rich kid recruits, Eggsy suits up to take down a McDonalds loving psychopath trying to exterminate everyone on earth except for the rich folks that bought a spot in his bunker, Richmond Valentine (Samuel L. Jackson). Manners maketh the man, but Mr. Man thinks what made the movie was how hot Taron Egerton looked in it! Now, every boy's crazy about a sharp dressed man, so obviously we loved seeing him in a fancy, well-tailored suit. But with a body that well suited for shirtlessness, he had to flash the abs at some point! That scene came during a crazy training exercise where a room fills with water, trapping Edward Holcroft and Taron in the flooded room. Hot dude aquarium! The fit, muscular guys are shirtless as they swim around trying to figure out how to get out of the room. As they flex and fight to break free, you'll probably break free from your clothes! Bond, James Bond? Who cares? Those dudes will have you reaching for your wand, vibrator wand! Kingsman: The Secret Service is serving up all sorts of sexy!