Set against the beautiful backdrop of the Russian River, Redwoods (2009) is a romantic drama that follows Everett (Brendan Bradley) and Miles (Tad Coughenour), a gay couple brought together by their undying love for their learning disabled son, Billy (Caleb Dorfman). Like all relationships, the proud fathers are lost in routine, predictability, and stagnation. Yes, all relationships! When Miles takes Billy on a father/son getaway, Everett gets a little too friendly with Chase (Matthew Montgomery), a traveling writer with a lustful itch that just needs to be scratched. With their undeniable chemistry and passionate love, Everett struggles to choose what path to follow with his newly found feelings for Chase. You’ll know what path to take with your hand when Simon Burzynski and Tad Coughenour flaunt some full frontal action. Brendan Bradley and Matthew Montgomery add a little food for your perverted thought when they strip down and share some steamy moments. Fantastic!