This British T.V. series is a drama about two dysfunctional brothers who are forced to work together to renovate a house in London.
Over the course of two seasons, the brothers go through many different problems. They work, play, fight and try to rebuild their strained relationship. They do work hard, but there is always time to play including a scene where Robson Green hooks up with his female boss. He gives us some full backage as he chases her naked through the house while they play around. His body looks great and watching his rigid cheeks flex as he runs will have you gonging your personal Big Ben. The guys look good as they work. Like any construction site, we get the guys without their shirts on and there are a few crackage shots as their pants ride a little too low.
It isn’t packed with nudity, but there are some hot scenes and enough sexy, skin-filled moments that The Grafters (1998) will leave you smiling, laughing and with a little moisture in your foundation.