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Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt Nude

Hall of Fame Nudity!

Keywords: Hall of Fame Nudity!, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 7

Birthplace: Shawnee, Oklahoma, US

Date of Birth: 12/18/63

Real Name: William Bradley Pitt

61 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Brad Pitt Scenes

Babylon (2022) Nude, butt 00:24:00 Brad's butt can be seen as he bangs a waitress at a party! (5 secs)
Babylon (2022) Sexy, sexy
Kalifornia (1993) Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless, balls 00:19:05 Brad gets sweaty and digs a hole. As he emerges from the hole, we get a distant look at his butt. (39 secs)
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Brad Pitt may have started out as the pretty boy in movies, but he has evolved into one of the best actors working today. His history is filled with great movies, and many shots of his perfect ass. Brad teased us early in his career with slight glances during love scenes or just a flash as he stood in the dark, but he delivered the full main course meal of glutes galore in Twelve Monkeys (1995). For the scene in question he pulls down his pants, moons some guards, then flexes those fine fanny muscles as he jumps bottomless from bed to bed. It is enough to cause temporary insanity in your pants!

He teased us again in Fight Club (1999), showing off a body so fit and cut you'll want to go to the basement for a little one-on-one wrestling. Brad brings the booty in the film Kalifornia (1993) when he digs a huge hole in his birthday suit, strutting that amazing ass around outside! Brad’s sexiest role has to be as Achilles in Troy (2004). Pitt fought the Trojans and offered up brilliant views of his butt, plus plenty of skintastic scenes while shirtless and half naked. Brad is certainly at his sweaty, sultry best here.

You can also see Brad show some skin in Allied (2016), Johnny Suede (1991), Legends of the Fall (1994), Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005), The Dark Side of the Sun (1988), The Mexican (2001), Thelma & Louise (1991), and The Favor (1994). Brad has said that he will no longer do nudity in movies calling it, “…a younger person’s game.” Let’s just keep our fingers crossed, and hope that one day Brad decides to show off his money balls!


Babylon (2022) - as Jack Conrad

Nude, butt 00:24:00 Brad's butt can be seen as he bangs a waitress at a party! (5 secs)

Allied (2016) - as Max Vatan

Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless, straight 01:04:29 At 52-years of age, Brad Pitt isn't afraid to show off his ageless creamy ass during a passionate sex scene! (47 secs)

Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) - as John Smith

Troy (2004) - as Achilles

Nude, butt, shirtless 00:06:55 See a sleeping Pitt's butt crack at the crack of dawn. (47 secs)
Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless 01:04:55 Did you know that all the soldiers of the Trojan war man-scaped? Pitt takes off his war gear to show his rear and pubeless pube area. (1 min 6 secs)
Nude, butt, shirtless, straight 01:53:16 More Brad butt as he averts a knifing in the bedroom with the help of his own stabbing tool. (1 min 6 secs)

The Mexican (2001) - as Jerry Welbach

Fight Club (1999) - as Tyler Durden

Twelve Monkeys (1995) - as Jeffrey Goines

Nude, butt, balls 00:28:49 A cuckoo Brad Pitt flips out in the mental ward, jumping on beds and flashing a full and glorious moon. (43 secs)

Legends of the Fall (1994) - as Tristan Ludlow

Nude, butt, shirtless 01:14:46 Brad bares his world class ass while babbling about death. (10 secs)

The Favor (1994) - as Elliott Fowler

Nude, sexy, shirtless, straight, butt 00:10:39 It's always nice to see Brad Pitt without his shirt. It's twice as nice to get a quick peek at his rump. (43 secs)

Kalifornia (1993) - as Early Grayce

Nude, butt, sexy, shirtless, balls 00:19:05 Brad gets sweaty and digs a hole. As he emerges from the hole, we get a distant look at his butt. (39 secs)

Johnny Suede (1991) - as Johnny Suede

Thelma & Louise (1991) - as J.D.

Nude, butt, shirtless, straight Brad Pitt's marble abs and sculpted backside make a cougar out of Geena Davis. Jeez Louise! (1 min 11 secs)
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