if... (1968) was one of THe quintessential mod movies of the late 1960s in the UK. This allegorical film was directed by Lindsay Anderson and takes place at a private boarding school in England. Young Malcolm McDowell plays Mick who leads his young friends through a series of rambunctious acts. These all ramp up to a full-on student-lead revolt in which two different teams emerge as the pupils turn against one another. Mick and his friends lead their movement with the chant "which side would you be on" as their fun-and-games turn even more dangerous. This movie was one of the earliest examples of male nudity on camera with a lot of different nude scenes to choose from. Most famously, Malcolm shows his butt when he wrestles a girl naked. According to film lore, there were male frontals in the movie that ended up being removed so that the movie could be released in the UK. That being said, we do get treated to a bunch of boys showering together. Those shower lads include Hugh Thomas, Richard Warwick, and David Johnny who all wind up going shirtless and showing their asses when they undress and join the other fellas for a group shower. we love a group shower scene! That being said, we can't help but wonder what the dick-edit of this movie was like. If only we could find out. Hey, maybe that's where the title comes from: if only we could see more dick...