Loosely based on the Sleeping Beauty legend, Hidden Beauties (1998) revolves around three young women (Stacey DeSimone, Jennifer Bergerone, and Janet Tracy Keijser) imprisoned by an evil gypsy Natasha (Nikki Fitz) in a castle belonging to Lord Isherwood (Robert Donovan), who has become engaged to all three beauties. The jealous gypsy, who wants the Lord, casts a sleeping spell on the gaggle of girls to keep them away from her love. A hundred years pass, and the sleeping beauties wake up, looking to have sex with everyone. David Usher and Robert Donovan vainly try to cut through all the female flesh that inflicts the soft-core film. Both men reveal their rumps in some stellar sexy scenes. Thank God these two beefy beauties don’t keep their skin hidden. The muscular men will cast a spell on you!