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Leprechaun 4: In Space

Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996)

No Nudity

Top Scene


This fourth installment of the horror franchise, Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996), takes place on a distant planet where Leprechaun has taken a beautiful princess hostage as he plans to install himself as king. When a group of space marines attacks they think they have killed Leprechaun, only to later find out he is still alive and now more powerful than ever. The marines must face off against him in order to save this planet, and possibly the entire galaxy.

Brent Jasmer plays one of the marines in question and he clearly does his best work with his shirt off. He rescues the princess and tries to get her to safety, all while shirtless. As he saves the galaxy we’ll be seeing stars in those impressive abs.