The Australian melodrama Oyster Farmer (2004) stars Alex O’Lachlan as Jack Flange, a young dude that takes a job as an oyster farmer in a remote town in order to be closer to his sister, Nikki (Claudia Harrison), who was recently injuries in a car accident. Though harvesting oysters is tough work, it isn’t very lucrative, and with his sis in need of some cash, Jack turns to crime to make ends meet. He robs an armored car at a fish market and mails the money back to himself upriver to his isolated location. But when the money doesn’t arrive, the desperate dude begins to stalk the office, inquiring about his mail. To make matters worse, the local postman has a heart attack, and the mail he was delivering scatters about and disappears, causing Jack to think that the others in the community have stolen his ill-gotten cash. Between scheme and worrying about his lifted loot, Alex O’Lachlan finds time to lose his shirt and have sex with some sweetie. He also manages to flaunt his underwear bulge in a chicks face as she attends to some scratches on his legs. Thanks to Alex, you’ll be shucking more than your clothes!